2022 ADE Virtual Conference
Communities of Editing
A Virtual Meeting of the Association for Documentary Editing
23-26 June 2022

Preconference Sessions | 20-21 June:
Two preconference sessions will be held in advance of the main meeting.
The ADE22 Program Committee will host an Introduction to the Association for Documentary Editing session on June 20th at 12:30pm ET – 1:45pm ET. This session will provide an introduction to the ADE, and the organization’s role in supporting documentary editing and its membership. New members are particularly encouraged to attend.
On June 21st at 2:00pm ET – 3:30pm ET Dr. Raffaele (Raff) Viglianti [Senior Research Software Developer at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, University of Maryland], will deliver a workshop titled “Publishing a Simple TEI-Based Edition With Low Maintenance.” This workshop will introduce attendees to methods and techniques to publish online a simple digital edition, based on the approaches adopted by ADE’s Scholarly Editing journal.
Recommended readings to do beforehand:
Sahle, 2016. “What is a Scholarly Digital Edition?” in Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices. Ed. M.J Driscoll and E. Pierazzo. (Available online: https://books.openedition.org/obp/3397)
Selection from Gil, Alex, & Ortega, Elika. 2016. Global Outlooks in Digital Humanities: Multilingual Practices and Minimal Computing. In Crompton, C. (Ed.) Doing Digital Humanities Practice, Training, Research. Registrants will be provided with copies of the readings.
Annual Meeting | 23-26 June:
During the annual meeting we will hold sessions required by ADE’s governance, and in partnership with the Mary Baker Eddy Library and the Massachusetts Historical Society, the previously designated locations of the 2022 conference. To support the costs of conference hosting while also remaining sensitive to financial strains during this ongoing health crisis, this portion of the conference included tiered registration fees:
- Patron: $25 (or more)
- Standard: $20
- Student, Retired, Independent Scholars: $10
- Pay What You Can: We recognize that the past year has been financially difficult for many and welcome donations anywhere below $10. Any donations over $25 are also welcome and will be considered a Patron-level donation.
Post-Conference Sessions | 27-30 June:
In an effort to continue discussions initiated during the annual meeting, we will be hosted a series of post-conference programing in the form of mentoring and unconference sessions.
Mentoring Sessions
Mentoring discussion sessions will be held on the following areas: project management, grant development, outreach and engagement, and research and publication. Attendees will be able to share their experiences, challenges, successes, and ask questions. The goal of these sessions is to encourage a culture of peer mentorship with the ADE and encourage the establishment of affinity groups in these areas.
Unconference Sessions
During the week following the conference there will be a series of unconference sessions based on topics proposed by conference attendees. The goals of these sessions are to support ADE members in discussing matter of concern during the conference week. Members will be invited to propose topics by the Friday of the Saturday of the conference.
A guide to unconferences can be found at the following link: https://universityinnovation.org/wiki/Resource:How_to_organize_an_unconference
About Our Theme
The Association for Documentary Editing is composed of multiple communities of editing. Individuals identifying as documentary and scholarly editors, or more generally with the practice of selecting, editing, and publishing documentary evidence, are associated with a wide range of academic disciplines and professions, situated in a diverse set of conceptual frameworks and methodologies, and create an array of editorial expressions, including scholarly editions, works of recovery, digital editions, and digital archives. This plurality reflects the intellectual and professional vibrancy of documentary and scholarly editing as a discipline/practice, and of the Association for Documentary Editing (ADE) as a professional organization.
In this community of editing, we are joined by the diverse constituencies supported and empowered by editions, works of recovery, and digital projects. Documentary works enable the generation of knowledge, support personal and community memory through works of recovery, and assist educators in introducing original source materials in classroom environments. In many instances, particularly decolonial initiatives, our community constituencies are also collaborators in addressing past archival erasures and silences, and in imagining new technical approaches for amplifying narratives and texts.
The year’s Annual Meeting, Communities of Editing, will provide a space for discussing the complexity of editing, focusing attention on drawing attention to its intellectual vibrancy, distinct editorial practices and traditions, wide range of edition and project forms, and constituencies of service. This will also serve as a moment to reflect on and discuss the responsibilities we have to one another as members of an academic and professional community, to our communities of practice, and the individuals, communities, and institutions we represent through documentary publishing.
ADE Virtual Conference Program
Conference FAQ
Do you have questions about the Virtual Conference? See if you can find your answers here!

Code of Conduct
We asked all members and participants to acknowledge a code of professional conduct statement in advance of the conference’s convenings, designed to ensure inclusivity and respectful and supportive discourse—regardless of individuals’ age, career position, discipline, race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, position on and expression of faith, gender identity, actual or perceived sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, and marital or veteran status.

Register for the Conference
Registration for the conference is required, but payment is optional. Anyone can register: there is no ADE membership requirement to participate. Participants can register for the conference for free using either of the forms below.
If you would like to register for the conference and make an (optional) payment online, using PayPal, please use this form.
If you would prefer to register for the conference and make a payment with a check, please use this form, and follow the instructions in your confirmation email.