2024 ADE Annual Meeting Location
Dear ADE membership,
I’m delighted to announce that our annual conference is confirmed for Buffalo, NY, June 20-22, 2024. Events will take place during a shorter time frame (3 days rather than 4) and will occur in person at a single location: the Embassy Suites in Buffalo, NY. A follow-up virtual event will offer online programming for those who are unable to attend in-person. The local arrangements committee and the programming committee are both hard at work to prepare an exciting event and will have further details about hotel arrangements, conference theme, and activities later in the year.
As you may note this location announcement has come much later than in previous years. This is partly due to the changing environment of planning and hosting a conference due to challenges posed due to COVID. It’s also partly due to the way in which our organization is growing and changing: we are made up of documentary editing projects of all sizes and practitioners encompassing textual scholars, archivists, librarians, and all other recovery practitioners, both inside and outside the academy. Combined with the challenges of attempting to meet audiences both in-person and virtually, our approach to conference planning will have to adapt and change. It’s possible that the historical model of project hosts serving as the setting for our yearly conference will not be sustainable in the future. The ADE is looking for feedback on how to envision what our conferences can look like. We are hoping you will help us by filling out this Google Survey letting us know your thoughts.
In the meantime, I hope you will save the dates for June 20-22. Special thanks to our Local Arrangements Committee Chair Nick Wasmoen and Programming Committee Chair and president-elect Christy Regenhardt, as well as past president Bob Riter, for their work solidifying the 2024 conference location.
Serenity Sutherland
ADE President