February 2022 ADE Member Events

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The ADE will host two member events this month through Zoom. These are the first in a series of events to support community engagement and discussion. Event descriptions and access information are noted below.

Tuesday February 21st, 12:00pm ET

Community Forum: Translating Community Values into Community Action

On July 28, 2022, the ADE adopted new Purpose, Community, and Vision statements: https://www.documentaryediting.org/wordpress/?page_id=601 

How do we translate these statements into concrete organizational action? What are the core values of the ADE? Our next community forum will provide an opportunity to discuss these questions.

Registration Link: https://ua-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtf-mqqDwpGN2AGyejWqI08pfQv1f4c_4t

Monday February 27th, 12:00pm ET

ADE Discussion Forum: ADE22 & Scholarly Editing Research Updates

Our first ADE Discussion Forum will feature research updates from contributors to the Association for Documentary Editing 2022 Annual Meeting and Volume 39 of Scholarly Editing. Speakers at this forum include:

  • Artist Marcia X (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and EINA)
  • Julian C. Chambliss (Michigan State University)
  • Scot A. French (University of Central Florida)
  • Clayton McCarl (University of North Florida)

Registration Link:
