Call for Faculty Consultants, Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents
The Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents (IEHD) seeks consultants to join its faculty and develop online and in-person training in editing and publishing historical documents. Topics covered will include but are not limited to the following:
- collecting and cataloging documents
- selecting which documents to publish
- digitizing
- transcribing, and proofreading
- encoding
- creating metadata
- designing, researching and writing annotation
- conceptualizing, organizing, and designing a publication (whether print or digital)
The IEHD has offered introductory training to small groups of scholars since 1972, and now seeks to expand its audience to include archivists, librarians, teachers, undergraduate students, genealogists, and family historians by creating a free online course to be called Fundamentals of Publishing Historical Documents. We are also designing advanced in-person workshops for further training and skills development.
The IEHD seeks to fill four faculty consultant positions. Faculty will help develop the online Fundamentals course, which will be launched in 2021. The faculty will work with other members of the IEHD in a series of four in-person curriculum workshops at the University of Virginia to conceptualize and develop theFundamentals course. Each faculty member will be responsible for designing several modules and will contribute to the development of other faculty’s modules. The workshops will take place in summer and fall of 2020, and winter and summer of 2021.
Recognizing that not all who practice editing call themselves editors, we are committed to creating a faculty diverse in disciplinary background. Such a faculty will include practitioners outside the traditional field of editing, as well as practitioners focusing on underrepresented subjects and materials. We thus encourage not only scholarly editors to apply, but also public historians, archivists, and other individuals with experience in the preparation, publication, and promotion of historical records. Preference will be given to candidates with experience teaching in-person or online courses and with demonstrated experience using multiple publication platforms.
To be considered for this position, please send a cover letter and CV via email to Jennifer Stertzer at Deadline for applications is March 27, 2020.
The IEHD is funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Through this program, the NHPRC seeks to increase the number and diversity of historical documentary editors, disseminate knowledge about documentary editing, and build the capacity of attendees as leaders in their own editorial projects and in the related fields of documentary editing, digital history, and digital humanities.