Webinar Announced for FY2018 Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions Program

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The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) of the National Archives supports projects that promote access to America’s historical records to encourage understanding of our democracy, history, and culture. Potential applicants to the NHPRC’s Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions program are invited to attend an upcoming webinar on the program and application process. Webinar date/time and instructions appear at the end of this message. The webinar is intended for applicants preparing for the upcoming June 14, 2017 and October 5, 2017 deadlines.
The NHPRC seeks proposals to publish documentary editions of historical records. Projects may focus on the papers of major figures from American history or cover broad historical movements in politics, military, business, social reform, the arts, and other aspects of the national experience. The historical value of the records and their expected usefulness to broad audiences must justify the costs of the project.

The goal of this program is to provide access to, and editorial context for, the historical documents and records that tell the American story. The NHPRC encourages projects, whenever possible and appropriate, to provide access to these materials in a free and open online environment, without precluding other forms of publication. Applicants should demonstrate familiarity with the best practices recommended by the Association for Documentary Editing  or the Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions.

Grants are awarded for collecting, describing, preserving, compiling, transcribing, annotating, editing, encoding, and publishing documentary source materials online and in print. Because of the focus on documentary sources, grants do not support preparation of critical editions of published works unless such works are just a small portion of the larger project. The Commission expects to make up to 25 grants in this category for a total of up to $2,500,000. Grants begin no earlier than January 1, 2018.

To view the FY2018 Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions announcement in full, visit: http://www.archives.gov/nhprc/announcement/editions.html.

When? Tuesday, 21 February 2017 @ 2:00 p.m. Eastern

How? To join the webinar, click on the following link:  https://connect16.uc.att.com/gsa1/meet/?ExEventID=89909710 and enter your name and email address. (You do not need to pre-register for the webinar.)

Got questions? Please email Darrell Meadows, NHPRC director for publishing, at: darrell.meadows@nara.gov.