Walk-in Registration Available for the 2014 ADE Career Skills Workshop on Project Management
The Association for Documentary Editing (ADE) announces that walk-in registration will be available for the 2014 ADE Career Skills Workshop on Project Management.
The workshop will be held on Thursday, 24 July, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., in Mezzanine Salon D at the Seelbach Hilton Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. It is offered in conjunction with the ADE annual meeting, which will be held 24–26 July at the same venue. The workshop will be led by Steven Hoskins, longtime project director of the American Association for State and Local History’s Project Management for History Professionals Program.
What are the objectives of the workshop?
This workshop is a confidence-building, career-enhancing exercise that teaches the language, tools, and practices of project management and shows how they can be applied across the broad spectrum of responsibilities faced by documentary editing professionals. Participants will learn constructive approaches to running a project, including setting goals, streamlining workflow, evaluating progress, fostering engagement, and encouraging innovation. By mastering the methods of project management, participants will not only improve the operation of their projects but also gain a skill-set for self-improvement. The workshop teaches project management skills using interactive “real project” scenarios brought to the workshop by the participants, allowing them to learn the tools and practices of the discipline while advancing their own projects.
What will you gain from this workshop? It will prepare you to:
- Create the fundamental documents of a well-run project—project charter, project objectives, stakeholder/responsibility list, scope document, change-management plan, project schedule, and project plan.
- Engage with project stakeholders to build support, cooperation, and participation.
- Streamline project processes by conducting a risk assessment and developing a risk-management plan.
- Foster communication and accountability across project, institutional, and external boundaries.
- Develop realistic options for project progress when faced with budgetary, institutional, or leadership constraints.
- Improve the environment for project success by enhancing institutional culture and practices through constructive engagement.
- Create a track record of project success that will increase personal confidence and professional opportunities.
- Take a thoughtful and proactive approach to all you do.
What do you need to bring to the workshop?
- A one-page description of an actual documentary editing project that is already in progress or will be soon.
- Knowledge of the institutional and professional work environment.
For walk-in registration, please arrive at the workshop fifteen minutes early. Participation is limited to 20 people, with enrollment on a first-come, first-served basis. Admission costs $100, which is due at the time of registration and is nonrefundable. Please also bring three copies of your project description.
For more information, please email Bob Karachuk, ADE Education Director, at ade-educationdir@documentaryediting.org.
The 2014 ADE Career Skills Workshop on Project Management is funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), an affiliate of the National Archives.