ADE at the American Historical Association Meeting
The ADE sponsored a panel at the annual AHA meeting in New Orleans, on 6 January 2013. Ed Lengel, of the George Washington Papers and the University of Virginia, chaired the panel, “Building a Swiss Army Knife: A Panel on DocTracker, a Multi-Tool for Digital Documentary Editions,” which featured the following papers:
- “DocTracker: A Swiss Army Knife for Digital Editions, ” Bob Oeste, Johns Hopkins University Press;
- “Creating a Born-Digital Documentary Edition: Dolley Madison Digital Edition, “ Holly C. Shulman, University of Virginia, Dolley Madison Digital Edition, and Documents Compass;
- “The CWGK: Building an Intelligent Database, Serving Future Scholarship, ” R. Darrell Meadows, Kentucky Historical Society; and
- “Working with the Financial Records of George Washington: Data and Database, ” Jennifer E. Stertzer, Papers of George Washington and University of Virginia.
Jennifer Stertzer and Darrell Meadows also hosted the ADE table.