Category: Member news
What have you been up to?
ADE Membership Survey
As part of the ADE Strategic Planning Committee’s annual goals, we are interested in hearing from the membership about what the ADE means to them and what aspects of the ADE are the most valuable to them. The results of this survey will guide us in understanding what people want […]
2024 ADE Annual Meeting Location
Dear ADE membership, I’m delighted to announce that our annual conference is confirmed for Buffalo, NY, June 20-22, 2024. Events will take place during a shorter time frame (3 days rather than 4) and will occur in person at a single location: the Embassy Suites in Buffalo, NY. A follow-up […]
Call for Editors: Scholarly Editing
Call for Editors Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing Summer 2023 Dear Colleagues, As the Editors in Chief of Scholarly Editing, we write to issue a call for editors and other recovery practitioners. Scholarly Editing seeks to develop and advance all aspects of textual and documentary editing, including […]
Project Announcement: The Papers of William Short
The Institute for Southern Studies at the University of South Carolina announces The Papers of William Short, a born-digital documentary edition focusing on Virginian William Short (1759-1849), who was a U.S. diplomat and fiscal agent in Europe, a successful businessman and philanthropist in the United States, an early advocate of […]
Yale University to publish Notes on the State of Virginia: An Annotated Edition
On June 7, Yale University Press will publish Notes on the State of Virginia: An Annotated Edition, edited by ADE member Robert Pierce Forbes. This is the first edition of Thomas Jefferson’s book to be based on both the 1785 first edition and the original manuscript. Congratulations!
NEH Awards Grant for a Federated Digital Resource of Early Weather and Climate Records
In January, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) awarded a Digital Humanities Advancement Grant of $44,570 to support collaborative planning by the University of Virginia’s Center for Digital Editing (CDE), the Center for Digital Scholarship at the American Philosophical Society (APS), and the Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton […]
Invitation to Nominate Candidates for the ADE Council
The ADE nominating committee seeks advice, informal suggestions, and formal nominations of candidates for the offices of President-Elect, Treasurer, Director of Publications, and Councilor-at-Large. Self-nominations are also welcome. In making suggestions, please be sure you have received assurances from nominees of their willingness to serve. You may forward your suggestions […]
The Pinckney Papers Project Publishes New Volume

The editors at the Pinckney Papers Projects are delighted to announce to the editing community the release/publication by the University of Virginia Press of Volume 3 of the Papers of the Revolutionary Era Pinckney Statesmen “Experienced Statesmen in War, Politics, & Diplomacy (1799–1811).” This 550-document volume of our born digital edition, part […]
John Dickinson Writings Project Publishes First Volume
The staff of the John Dickinson Writings Project and the University of Delaware Press/University of Virginia Press are very pleased to announce the publication of Volume One of The Complete Writings and Selected Correspondence of John Dickinson, ed. Jane E. Calvert. In 1801, John Dickinson published a two-volume edition containing 14 […]
Ulysses S. Grant Association Awarded Prize by Organization of American Historians
The Organization of American Historians released the following announcement on Monday, 20 April 2020. Congratulations to John Marszalek, David Nolen, and Louie Gallo! Joanne Meyerowitz, Yale University, OAH President 2019–2020, and George J. Sanchez, University of Southern California, OAH President 2020–2021, announce that the Ulysses S. Grant Association receives the OAH’s […]