Category: Digital Editions
Documentary Editing at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute
Since 2001, the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI), held annually in Victoria, B.C., Canada, has been an annual gathering of technologists, scholars, librarians, graduate and undergraduate students…and editors. For the past three years, Jennifer Stertzer and I, joined this year by Erica Cavanaugh (George Washington Financial Papers Project), have offered […]
Call for Papers: MLA CSE-SHARP Collaborative Session, Open Topic: Editions/Author/Readers/Publishers
MLA CSE (Committee on Scholarly Editions)-SHARP (Society for the HIstory of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing) Collaborative Session, Open Topic: Editions/Author/Readers/Publishers at the 2017 MLA Convention This collaborative session seeks to engage the scholarly editing community with the wider community of authors and readers (and scholars of authorship, reading, and publishing). […]
Third and final volume of Autobiography of Mark Twain published!
October sees the publication of the third and final volume of Autobiography of Mark Twain, chronicling the author’s inner and outer life through a series of daily dictations that go wherever his fancy leads. Created from March 1907 to December 1909, these dictations present Mark Twain at the end of […]
Symposium: Toward a new social contract between publishers and editors
The Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and the Humanities is presenting a one-day symposium at Grenoble, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme on 26 January 2015. The program, which will be audio registered, will be live streamed at: For the full programme, click on the programme-poster
Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (Europe) offers Marie Curie Fellowships
From the Humanist discussion list: The Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) offers 12 Marie Curie fellowships to early stage researchers (ESRs) for a period of 3 years and 5 Marie Curie fellowships to experienced researchers (ERs) for a period of 12 to 20 months. Fellowships are now open […]
Einstein Papers Digital Platform Chosen
From Tizra’s Oct. 9, 2013 blog: Princeton University Press has selected Tizra as the digital publishing platform it will use to make The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein available online. One of the most ambitious publishing ventures ever undertaken in the documentation of the history of science, The Collected Papers […]
Chronicling a Digital Edition of Defoe
In a blog post, “Digital editing with undergraduates: some reflections,” Stephen Gregg and Jess MacCarthy at Bath University chronicle their experiences creating an online digital edition of Daniel Defoe’s A Hymn to the Pillory, which became MacCarthy’s undergraduate dissertation. The post explores issues around using TEI and decentering authority.
2014 Digital Humanities Summer Institute – Registration
The Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria provides an ideal environment for discussing and learning about new computing technologies and how they are influencing teaching, research, dissemination, creation, and preservation in different disciplines, via a community-based approach. During a week of intensive coursework, seminars, and lectures, participants […]
Jobs: Editorial and Technical Specialist, XML/metadata, University of Virginia Press
The University of Virginia Press seeks to hire an Editorial and Technical Specialist within our Rotunda division (, which publishes peer-reviewed born-digital scholarly works. The incumbent in this position will be working primarily on SAH Archipedia (, an ongoing reference work authored by the Society of Architectural Historians. Secondary duties […]