Nominating Committee

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The Nominating Committee submits candidates for ADE offices which are then voted upon by the membership. The five members of the nominating committee are themselves elected from candidates selected by the ADE Council or by petition.


Sherry Darling (The Mary Baker Eddy Library)

Eola Lewis Dance (Howard University)

Silvia Glick (Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (PON))

Ellie Palazzolo (Johns Hopkins University)

Riley Sutherland (Harvard University)


Call for Nominations

The Nominating Committee of the Association for Documentary Editing (ADE) seeks advice, informal suggestions, and formal nominations of candidates for the offices of President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Councilor-at-Large.

President/President-Elect/Past President
The President serves for one year as President-Elect, during which time he or she works with the current President and immediate Past President while also serving as chair of the Program Committee for that year’s annual meeting. During the subsequent one-year presidential term, he or she works with the ADE Council to effect the organization’s goals and implement its long-range plan, communicates with members through email, the website and Scholarly Editing, assigns tasks to committees, and appoints or confirms committee chairs and members. He or she maintains contact with these committees to ensure that the goals set for them are met in a timely manner and represents the ADE in dealing with outside individuals and organizations. At the annual meeting at the end of his/her term, the president presides over the Council meetings, the Business meeting, and presents a speech at the Banquet. The candidate should be an experienced editor capable of managing these tasks in addition to his or her own work and personal responsibilities.

The Treasurer is responsible for the financial management of the association. “The treasurer shall collect dues and maintain the association’s financial records and file any necessary forms with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.” (Bylaws, Section 5) He or she keeps the ADE’s checking and savings accounts, invests reserve funds, and oversees the Boyd and Boydston prize funds, and files tax paperwork. The treasurer “shall have the authority to sign checks or make cash deposits or withdrawals, in any of the accounts of the association.” (Bylaws, Section 5) The treasurer is a member of the ADE Council, taking part in major decisions and long range planning, and chairs the Finance Committee. He or she proposes budgets in consultation with the president and the action plan and may work on budgetary aspects of grant proposals. ADE’s financial data is stored using Quicken software. The treasurer serves one-year terms that can be renewed without limit (Constitution, Article IV, Section 3).

The Secretary is responsible for keeping the records, preparing agendas for meetings, notifying appropriate members, circulating minutes to the membership, and assisting in arranging for meetings of the association. Other duties include assisting with membership/renewal drives, assisting with annual meeting logistics, and circulating committee and officer reports prior to Council meetings. The secretary has the authority to sign checks and make cash deposits or withdrawals, in any of the accounts of the association. Additionally, the secretary has the authority to sign contracts, grant applications, and reports to granting agencies. (Bylaws, Section 5). The secretary shall be eligible to serve up to three consecutive terms.

A Councilor-at-Large serves for three years as one of three such persons with flexible advisory duties depending on the President’s and Council’s needs. Accordingly, as stated in the organization’s bylaws, “The councilor often provides institutional memory to Council proceedings; occasionally serves as a devil’s advocate to ensure that all ADE’s constituents are represented; offers feedback and votes on issues and topics under consideration; provides suggestions for new members, committee members, and potential award recipients; reviews budgets, committee reports, and official contracts or endorsements that involve the ADE. The councilor-at-large tries to be sure the Association’s best interests and the priorities of the long-range plan are at all times well represented.” Candidates may have held previous posts with the organization or be relative newcomers to ADE.

Note that no two members affiliated with the same documentary editing project, agency, or institution may hold office concurrently, except that officers changing their affiliation after election to office may serve out their terms. (Constitution, Article IV, Section 3).


The Committee consults by mail, telephone and e-mail.